jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014


Fast food and Problems.

1-      Thesis Statement: “Eating fast food as something habitual is not a good way of life.”
1.A- problems: higher risk of suffering heart attack and obesity

2-      Fast food is normal in our way of life.
2.A- we eat it when we go out with our friends.
2.B- lots of fast food companies: MacDonald, KFC…
2.B.1.- Multinationals -> bad for poorest countries.

3-      Problems of fast food.
3.A- 35% of the people older than 20 years has overweight, and a 11% has obesity (according to the WHO).
3.B- every year about 3.4 millions of adult people die because of the obesity.

4-      Healthier way of life.
4.A- Mediterranean diet and how is it.
4.B- Practicing sport.

5-      Conclusion paragraph: to follow a Mediterranean diet and practicing sport is healthier than eating fast food every day.

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